Ancestry Library Edition is here!

Curious about your family history and want to find out more about your ancestry? Stop in to the library and use Ancestry Library Edition on our public computers! You can find out about your ancestry from past census results, military history, immigration records, and more!

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Quick tips:

  • To have your records waiting for you when you get home: Use our send a document feature! Look in the upper right of the Ancestry Library Edition homepage for more information.
  • To see new content on Ancestry Library Edition: Click on “New Collections” in the navigation bar from any page.
  • Looking for help: Click on “Learning Center” in the navigation bar from any page.
  • To find specific content: Click on “Search” and then “Card Catalog” to discover databases by category, era, or location.
  • You can also search by keyword or title.
  • To find records in a specific state or country: Click on “Search” and use Explore by Location to narrow down your search.
  • To get all relevant names: Use wildcards to to cover all possible alternative forms and spellings. Put ? or * at the middle or end of names where you expect variations. Example: Type Wil* Smi?th.

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