As cold weather descends, the darkness of our days lengthens, and autumn reaches its waning days, there is always brightness and warmth to be found within the Library — and not just in the spirit of knowledge and learning. With Thanksgiving fast approaching, we are of course most thankful for the patronage and support of all our visitors and the community we serve.
So in that spirit, and with heartfelt appreciation, we present the following …
10 Reasons We’re Thankful
- For visitors who brighten our day, particularly children
- To get to help visitors find books! Plus audios, films, magazines, toys, musical instruments, and much more
- To be able to offer attractive public computers and meeting places
- To know that this work helps community members connect, grow, and thrive
- For the support from so many directions: The Library Board, the Friends of the Library, the municipalities, the Hollidaysburg Area School District, the Blair Regional YMCA, the Rotary, the Women’s Club, and so many other groups
- For a safe and beautiful place to work, including the lovely outdoor spaces
- That we can welcome every visitor due to full disability access and our core purpose of serving all
- That we play a small part in honoring service members, through the American Legion Armed Forces Room
- For stimulating challenges: Making the most of our facility’s space, inside and out!
- For future visions, including new furniture and capabilities in AV and maker spaces