Update (6:00 AM, 2020-11-02): The library is now operating at our normal hours once again.
Hello from the Library! Is everyone still OK out there? We hope so, and whether you are able to visit the Library in person or not, we still strive to provide you, our patrons, with a helpful experience. To that end, we’d like you to be aware of a new service for students.
Tutor.com provides on-demand tutoring, homework help, test preparation, and writing assistance for students in grades K-Adult in over 60 subjects. No appointment is needed. Tutors are available from 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm. You can also use their drop-off reviews, practice quizzes, video lessons, and The Princeton Review SAT®/ACT® Essentials to study 24/7.

CSB2 STEM Ecosystem school and library access to Tutor.com is made possible by a PAsmart grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, Governor.